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Writer's pictureHeidi Hancock

Divine Order

"Hold on to your hats, folks. This, here, is the wildest ride in the wilderness." A little fun from Thunder Mountain Railroad at Disneyland, cause we're in for some fun! March brings in HUGE CHANGE, and it should be a lot more fun than the last 15 years have been. Astrologically speaking we have two major shifts in March. Saturn changes signs from Aquarius to Pisces on March 7 and Pluto changes signs from Capricorn to Aquarius on March 23. What does all that mean? Well, Saturn is the father, the task master, the teacher. He does NOT let us get out of our lessons, and calls us to full attention so we learn what we're meant to learn. You know that saying, "let go or be dragged?" Yeah, that's Saturn. He's been in Saturn ruled signs (Capricorn and Aquarius) since 2017. Pluto is the planet of death and rebirth. It stays in one sign anywhere from 12-31 year cycles, so this planet highlights whole generational energy. It's been in Capricorn since 2008. If you look back at your life then, I bet you won't even recognize yourself now. And major changes to the world stage as well.

Let's talk about what all this means for us, energy wise. When I asked about March's energy, I was shown a fibonacci spiral with an energy of divine order. We are being brought into balance, into communion with Spirit, with nature, with Mother Earth. But here's the catch, only if you're willing. It sounds strange for me to say, but what I saw, is that Spirit is done dragging you. If you don't want it, Spirit isn't here to keep nudging you along. It's kind of like the end of a codependent relationship. No one is here to do it for you, or make it happen. You have to COMMIT fully, or things are going to get really hard. And commitment may feel hard on its own, but this is a different kind of hard. Commitment involves grit, determination, stamina, sweat, but it is work that pays off. The kind of hard I'm talking about is heavy, depression, irritation, frustration, things just not going your way. And it's only going to compound the longer you refuse to get on board. So it's still a sense of "let go or be dragged," because it won't be fun at all, but you'll be sitting in it by yourself, no dragging, no forward movement. I've never seen energy like this. It's like Spirit is done with our ass complaining and doing nothing about it. So you're going to be on your own if you don't get on board voluntarily. And maybe then you'll realize how much Spirit was helping along when you weren't paying attention.

We also have a Full Moon in Virgo, March 7 (major cleaning house), and a New Moon in Aries, March 21 (aka Astrological New Year). So it's a "get-your-shit-together-Carol" kind of month. You don't want to be called out for not doing your homework, putting the empty bottle back in the fridge, leaving your tank on empty, eating that second helping that feels awful the next day, so just don't do it, and all will be well. But if you're not sure where you're dragging, March will be happy to remind you. 😉

And if you need a little help getting motivated, come join Wild Sisterhood for both moon ceremonies, as well as live Women's Circle and Intuitive Collage every month. Moon Ceremonies are available separately, too, by grabbing them in the shop. Get on my newsletter for updates.

Things to consider this month:

Clean your damn space — Whether this is inside, outside, or in-between, it's time to take ownership of what has been left unattended. Maybe this is your body, your mind, your emotions, your Spirit, your dreams, your goals, your true passion. Maybe it's all of it. But you won't have to go looking for it. It will surely find you!

Make a commitment — One you figure out where you've been phoning it in, make a commitment to do it differently. This requires consistency. Spirit doesn't so much care what you do, but that you do it. Start wherever you want, just start, already.

Stick to it — And one you commit, you gotta stick to it. This ain't no damn resolution that you let go of two minutes in. Spirit wants to see consistency, even if you don't feel like it. Especially if you don't feel like it. I mentioned Rocky last month. If you haven't watched it, do it now. And if you did, watch the sequels. There's one in the theater now: Creed.

Oil of the month — CISTUS is our oil of the month. This is the first oil I ever worked, so it feels personal. Cistus is the oil of boundaries. It helps us put the blinders on so we can complete what we set out to complete instead of getting distracted. As someone who struggles with ADHD, I can report, it really works. If you don't have a Young Living account, or don't want to grab one yet (why not? It's the best decision I ever made for my family), Cistus is also in my Saturn blend, which goes perfect with the transits anyway. If you have a Young Living account, I've also just seen Cistus show up in Fresh Linen blend, part of the new Simplied Spring Collection (a 3-bottle set of pre-blended diffuser oils focused on that season). So you can grab it in many different places. If you struggle with boundaries AT ALL, I HIGHLY recommend getting this oil on your body, and in your life. It's a game-changer.

Have a beautiful month, y'all. If you're wanting to engage more with my work and put the commitment energy to Spiritual practice in community with other women, come join Wild Sisterhood. We'd love to have you!

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