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"You are the hero of your own story." — Joseph Campbell

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individual birth chart reading / 1 hour  / $144 couples chart reading / 2 hours / $288

location reading / 3o minutes / $88

family chart reading / inquire for estimate 

Astrology Readings

Astrology Readings might be my favorite offering. They give a full soul blueprint. What you are here to do, what challenges may present, and how to work with that. If there is any question in your mind about your purpose or place in the world, your birth chart will set you on the course to understanding that you are absolutely here for a reason and there is no accident in it. 


From the time I was a child, I felt like I was dropped off here without a map. No clue and no direction. When I learned to read astrology charts, I realized this is that map! It is a phenomenal tool in unlocking your potential, and finally understanding yourself, maybe for the first time.


Individual, Couples, Family & Location Readings
Readings can be done individually, as a couple, or as a family. I love to include those in your life because there is also no accident the partners we choose, and the children that choose us, even as a blended family. Prices for family readings require more information to determine a price. How many in your family? Do you have children, that as a parent you desire to understand, but are too young to need their own reading? Inquire via email or text to confirm the price before booking.​​
If you've already had a reading yourself and want your partner to have one later, just book an individual chart reading and let me know who your partner is, so I can include their information.
Location readings are great when you are considering a move, travel, or curious if the energy you currently live in is the right fit. Location readings are based on your birth information, just like a your birth chart, and create ley lines over the globe that create potent energy for you in that area of the world.
Intuitive Healing Session
Intuitive Healing Sessions

new client consult / 15 minutes / free

individual session / 1 hour  / $195

package sessions / 1 hour / $185


Intuitive Healing Sessions

Intuitive Healing Sessions are a magical combination of intuitive consult, channeled messages and energy work. Each appointment is different and customized for the individual. Sessions provide support on all levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. After check in, you can cozy up, close your eyes, and just stay present with what is coming through for you. We will be in dialog throughout, so you will know exactly what is happening.


I often get asked: "Do I have to know what I need to work on?" Spirit knows what we need, often before we do. Knowing why you're seeking support can be helpful, but it is totally unnecessary. Getting a feeling, or a "hit" as I call it, for an appointment is all you need to know. Spirit will do the rest. This is perfect for anyone wanting support moving through specific issues and clearing their path forward.




Similar to consistent spiritual practice, I find that the most profound work often comes through in package sessions when we work together regularlyPackages are available in 3-month containers where we meet every two weeks (6 sessions total). This creates a sacred container for deep alchemy to occur. Additional package sessions are always available.  To book a package session, first purchase a package below and then schedule an appointment with your package coupon code.


All sessions are held over the phone, and each session is recorded for your reference. 



Spirit Reading
Spirit Readings

Spirit Readings

audio recording / $111

audio recording + transcript / $144

A Spirit Reading is a personalized channeled message. Readings typically focus on who you are, what you're here to do, challenges you may face, and how to work with them. The information that comes through evolves over time, so it is perfectly appropriate to repeat them when you need guidance. I never know what will come through, or if specific questions will be answered, but there is space on the order form to ask questions. They almost never answer yes or no questions. Our guides are much broader than that, and they desire us to understand whole concepts. The energy of the message is encoded in the recording to help you process the information. You will notice that new awareness comes through each time you listen, and therefore it is strongly encouraged that you revisit the recording over time. 


Readings are done in the order received. An audio recording (+transcript, if ordered) will be sent to you via text or email as soon as it is completed. â€‹




Image by Marcos Paulo Prado

reiki / 1 hour  / $95

reiki package / 1 hour / $85



Reiki was my first introduction to energy work and still my favorite experience. It changed my life radically, opened up my awareness to the world of the beyond, and served as a reminder that we are more than our physical body. I describe reiki as a massage for the nervous system, which is so desperately needed on the planet right now, individually and collectively. As we still our nervous systems, we are more available to our work, and it keeps us grounded and steady as we go. 


Sessions are offered both in person and distance. If you're wondering how that is even possible, so did I, but that first session was distance and still the most profound reiki experience I've experienced. Energy is not limited by time and space, so there is no distance between us.​​​


To book a package session, first purchase a package below and then schedule an appointment with your package coupon code.

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fscan treatment / $45

Fscan (Rife Frequency) Treatment

The Fscan is an electromagnetic frequency machine using technology developed by Royal Rife (an American scientist) in the 1920s. The Rife machine produces low energy waves, also called radio frequency electromagnetic fields to run a diagnostic scan on the body for pathogens. It then runs a treatment back on whatever it finds to break up those pathogens. Your body does the rest. 
The phenomenal thing about this machine, from my own experience, is that you do not have to know the cause of an issue to treat it. Additionally, as you are treating whatever it finds, you are also cleansing and brightening your energetic field. Over time I have seen mood and behavioral changes in myself, my family and my clients. It seems that once you rid the body of these pathogens that are unknowingly wrecking havoc, your body is less stressed, fatigued, and operates better on the whole, allowing your mood and behavior to shift as well.

I equate it to a fire hose of clean energy cleansing your field
 every time you receive a treatment. It can also run targeted treatments on symptoms you know you have. 
General pathogen scans pick up viruses, parasites, and bacteria. Additional scans are available for mold, heavy metals and cancer. This type of appointment can only be done in person.

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