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Be Who You Are

Writer's picture: Heidi HancockHeidi Hancock

Updated: Aug 14, 2018

The theme of being who you are keeps emerging and I want to put some language to it because it’s such an intense energy that is coming online right now, and crucial to our next evolution as humans on the planet — for the benefit of our sweet mother earth, as well as our sanity while we are blessed enough to be here.

We have for millennia been ensconced in an energy that was about and for someone else. It has asked us to be small, remain in a box of sameness, don’t make waves by making others uncomfortable with our brightness, or even our decisions. But here’s the deal — diversity is part of who we are; it’s woven into the fabric of being on earth; it’s in all of her animals, her habitat and her people. There is water, fire, earth, air, metal, spirit. There are trees, grass, dirt, rocks, crystals, and even those are not all the same. There are no two trees alike, and there are multiple species of trees, grass, dirt, rocks, and crystals. It is the same with animals and with humans. We are a diverse group of different colors, ethnicities, backgrounds, family lineage and mental constructs of what’s “normal.” The expectations of growing up, getting married, having children and a career are different in the United States than in India, or Qatar, or Brazil.

But there is a construct there, none the less, and we are being asked to push against it right now, to truly spread our wings and be who we are.

Diversity is natural. Your uniqueness is needed.

There is a lot of change occurring right now, and with it, we need all the expertise we can get to form the new path of where we are going. We need all of YOU giving your gifts. I have no evidence for this what-so-ever, but my intuition tells me that a by-product of the planet’s journey in heating up, both emotionally and physically, is purposed in helping us melt the walls of our hearts, so that we may join together to work towards peace and love; a kind of bond that often comes out of strife and struggle. I’m sure this is not a popular sentiment among environmentalists, and I’m not suggesting we keep dumping plastic into the ocean or eating our animals, but if there were a silver lining, perhaps it’s that. Something to play with for exploration sake at least. And I’m modeling right here, being myself, and going on a limb to throw out an idea. See where that lands in your body and within your intuition. Ever notice how great connection can come out of great heartbreak? With all the mass shootings happening, or natural disasters, or social injustice, or political dysfunction (take your pick), it cracks our hearts open to what is truly important and that always leads us towards some unique gift that we have to offer that situation. It also brings community — something we are in dire need of.

All of this begs the question, what’s holding us back from giving those gifts, and how can some do it, while others struggle? As I see it, it boils down to a matter of tolerance. A tolerance of diversity — diversity that is naturally present everywhere but somehow the collective has gotten it backwards by teaching us it shouldn’t be tolerated. A tolerance of discomfort — that awful sensation that can arise when we express our uniqueness and get a sense of rejection or criticism from the outside. But the good news is that tolerance is an inside job, so by working with our own sticking points, we can move past that intolerance and into a space of freedom — even if others don’t like it. It’s helpful to remember that others intolerance of your unique expression is their work, and often it comes from their own difficulty with the same landscape: some way they are afraid of expressing too. They want to call you back into the box so you don’t remind them of how they aren’t expressing, or how they have given away their own permission to do so. How dare you express if they aren’t! Just let that be theirs and stay focused on your expression. The beauty, the gift in this work, is that the trigger they are providing you is pointing you towards your work.

The only thing that separates you giving your gifts, from someone else that seems fearless to do it, is that they have developed tolerance around this discomfort, at least enough to take the leap into risk. And that doesn’t mean it’s easy or comfortable, but they do it anyway and they hold themselves in kindness around the discomfort; or they fall into a puddle on the floor, but either way, they get back up and do it again. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing, and it doesn’t have to be all at once. Baby steps are perfectly suited for this situation. It makes me think of my dad’s favorite movie What About Bob. “Baby steps to the hallway, baby steps to the elevator.” It’s ok to dole out your risks with your current comfort zone. Move slightly out, and then as that becomes comfortable you can take another step. We will play with this in the meditation this month.

Maybe one day we’ll evolve past this need to judge and criticize to comfort ourselves, to compete and have power over, but until we get there, we must continue to call on our inner strength to give our light as a matter of justice towards a world that is truly free. There are so many naysayers out there, but don’t let them get you down. You’ve got this! The world needs your beauty.

Here are a few ways you can shield yourself and ground in your own confidence:

  1. Surround Yourself With Good People — What I always notice in nature and with animals is that they aren’t commenting on their brothers and sisters actions. You don’t see one tree saying to another tree, “you should be more like me.” They let each express naturally, and that freedom allows for a full spectrum of expression. Friends that have our backs can be the same way: a shield from all that might otherwise dampen our spirits.

  2. Turn Off Social Media — I recently heard an interview on Girl Boss Radio with Rupi Kaur, the young phenomenon that came out of no where with her best-selling book milk and honey, and now the sun and her flowers. She said that she has taken all social medial apps off her phone so that her energy is saved for her own creativity. She doesn’t want to read comments, she just wants to put out her work: intentionally from her computer, not constantly from her phone. Her Instagram account has 2.4 million followers, and she follows no one. A pretty remarkable example of singing your own tune and not getting distracted by the discomfort.

  3. Gratitude Practice — Keep it on the positive. When you cultivate a practice of gratitude each day via writing, saying it out loud, sharing with a friend or partner. That can help ground in the positive that is happening all the time, the steps you are making, and keeps your focus off managing the BS of others, or getting bogged down by it.

  4. Watch American Idol — This seems silly, but trust me, there is something here. I have never been a follower after all these years, but happened to catch it this season and it is breathtaking watching so many people risk vulnerability for a passion they long to share.

  5. Create an exercise routine — If you aren’t already doing this (I waver on and off, but recently started again) it really is helpful in supporting the push through adversity. When you go beyond limits in the physical, whether it be weight lighting, cardio, running, yoga, etc., it gives you the encouragement you need to push through adversity. If you can hold a difficult pose on the mat, in the gym, or on the trails, you can hold a difficult pose in life.

The darkness will rise to meet your light; it’s the law of the universe — the balance that is required. Be prepared for it and see it as a sign of leveling up. It’s there to show you how far you’ve come, and where the next form of your work might be.

All my love, Heidi

I'm so happy to partner with Dina LeRoux for her eco-conscious and minimalist lifestyle blog, A Greener Life. I'll be bringing monthly meditations focused on the current season and energetic theme presenting in the collective. Check out her site to learn more about her offerings.

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